A Year in Words: Reflection, Connection, and Gratitude for the Stories We've Shared

The year is coming to a close. I wish to reflect on my journey of words and stories. Each blog post has been a window into moments, memories, and lessons that shaped my life. I hope that the universal qualities of some of my experiences and musings spurred you to think about your stories and how to express them. 

We are all on our own Hero’s journey. We are all connected through our shared experiences of living, starting an adventure or a business, coming up against obstacles and overcoming them, or learning valuable lessons from our journey. I love to write my stories, listen to yours, and help you format them into a book to share with current and future generations. 

Reflection is about looking back. Reflection is also about pausing to notice the threads that weave stories together.  This year, I revisited memories from my childhood and shared the universal themes that were part of those early days. Where were you when was a theme?  In my life, it is the assassination of John F. Kennedy that is always at the forefront. I shared the story of a small inheritance and my decision to spend it on travel that jumpstarted my life and sparked an adventurous spirit. I write about my mother's journey through Alzheimer's as a reflection and homage to her but also to the growth and compassion that came from that journey. Thank you for leaning into these moments and more with me. I hope you found your meaning in my words. 

Connection is about creating stories that share our vulnerability, successes, failures, and wisdom. At the heart of storytelling is an act of connection. We build bridges between our hearts, experiences, and perspectives to an audience.  This year, I’ve written about Legacy Keepers, When a Butterfly Flaps Its Wings, and creating generational legacies through current experiences such as my grandson’s first golf game. We are all connected through our shared experiences of living, starting an adventure or a business, coming up against obstacles and overcoming them, or learning valuable lessons from our journey. I love to write my stories, listen to yours, and help you format them into a book to share with current and future generations. 

Gratitude is always at the forefront of my journey.  I am grateful for interactions and connections with my friends, family, and colleagues. I am thankful for building a business as a ghostwriter and for all the small moments that led to this day, this hour, and these hopes and dreams.  I wrote about role models, living and past, and those in literature that have profoundly impacted my journey. I love looking around my home and finding generational family history in furniture paintings or mementos from past celebrations. I wrote about gratitude for my family history; the joy of knowing more history is in the making with my children and grandchildren. 

Gratitude is not a grand gesture but a series of small moments—the handwritten note, the quiet reflection, the willingness to share and listen. As we close this year, thank you for being part of this journey. Your stories, support, and willingness to engage with me have been my greatest gifts. May we all continue to write, share, and cherish the moments that define us. Here’s to a new year of stories being told, connecting, reflection, and, most of all, gratitude.


The Godfather, the Kennedy Center Honors, and the Stories We Leave Behind


Carol’s Playlist