Why I Chose My Logo

"Writing is the painting of the voice." - Voltaire

Given what might be the last chance I have, although I hope not to reinvent myself, I decided to become a ghostwriter. This deeply considered and purposeful decision appealed to me. My decades-long love of reading and writing are foundational aspects of my journey. My skill sets that add value to this endeavor include managing and delivering complex software development projects, customer-facing successes in real estate, and adaptability and perseverance in my chosen career paths. Left-brain thinking led me to this focus for my new career. Methodically, I participated in classes, workshops, mastermind sessions, and strategic planning. I created content, populated my CRM, and launched my social media presence as a ghostwriter. A systematic, strategic, left-brained, step-by-step approach is typical of how I get from point A to point B. 

I also engaged in quiet time, prayer, or connecting to the universe of my higher power. I quietly stated that I wanted to serve people in some capacity. I suggested that I use my writing skills and become a scribe. I sat with this idea for several months. The idea poured over me, filling the crevices of longing for a purpose. I thought about visiting nursing homes and senior centers and offering to help them write about some of their most poignant memories. This idea germinated when I saw my mother and in-laws in nursing homes decades earlier, thinking about the stories residents might want to leave for their children. I decided to use my entrepreneurial and business skills to help business owners tell their stories so their children and grandchildren know about their legacies. I thought of all the memoir writing classes and groups I had been involved with over the last forty years and that I could help those who want to write a memoir but lack the time or talent.

I wanted a connection to the past, to bring forth a humble skill and become part of that historic legacy. Scribes in ancient civilizations meticulously recorded and preserved texts. Ghostwriters also maintain and document the stories of others so they do not disappear but stay in the memories of people's lives and family histories. The essence is preserving thoughts, events, or stories for people who come after. I loved reaching back through time to find an enlightening and joyful profession. I could serve others, connect to an ancient discipline, and enlighten those living in the future. 

The logo I use to represent my company, Empower Writing Services, embodies the vision I have for myself as a solo practitioner ghostwriter. The quill evokes images of sitting at a desk, dipping a pen in ink, and putting words to paper. Regardless of whether I am using a computer, word processor, or self-publishing software, I smile when I think of the history of being a scribe. I am proud to be one today.  


A Table of Timeless Tales: 45 Years of Memories


Capturing Moments in Lens and Pens